Don't Be Sweet-Talked: How Sugar is Destroying Your Body

Don't Be Sweet-Talked: How Sugar is Destroying Your Body

Refined synthetic sugar, also known as white sugar, is a highly processed and inorganic substance that has been linked to numerous health problems. This so-called "No. 2 inorganic killer" is a substance that should be treated as a poison.

One of the most concerning effects of refined synthetic sugar is its ability to rob calcium from the body. This can lead to bone loss, tooth decay, and a host of other health issues. The sugar depletes all B vitamins, which are essential for the proper metabolism of carbohydrates and normal functioning of nerve tissue. Without these vitamins, the body cannot produce enough energy, and fatigue sets in.

Refined synthetic sugar is also a leading cause of stress, and it overstimulates the production of insulin and alkaline digestive juices. This can interfere with the absorption of calcium, protein, and other minerals, and can retard the growth of valuable intestinal bacteria. As a major contributing factor to diabetes, it injures the pancreas and malfunctions with the proper digestive juices and insulin supply.

Furthermore, refined synthetic sugar is a leading cause of high blood cholesterol, which is a cause of strokes and other cardiovascular issues. It causes high blood arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and interferes with the absorption of calcium, protein, and other minerals.

In addition to all of these health problems, refined synthetic sugar has also been linked to dry scalp, baldness, and tooth decay from junk food. It is a substance that should be avoided at all costs and replaced with healthier alternatives.

Overall, refined synthetic sugar is a deadly poison that should be treated as such. Instead of consuming this lifeless, health-destroying drug, individuals should opt for healthier sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, or stevia. It is important to understand the harmful effects of refined synthetic sugar, in order to make informed decisions about one's health.


Collier, R. (1983). Inorganic Poisons: Stimulants of Modern Diseases. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Pub. Group.

Yudkin, J. (1986). Pure, White, and Deadly: The New Facts About the Sugar You Eat As a Cause of Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Other Killers. Penguin.

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